A Message from the Chief

I would like to tell the members that came out to campaign Tuesday morning, that I’m very very proud of them. It took courage to walk up and down the sidewalk not knowing what the consequences may be.
I believe it was a job well done and I hope that our superiors realize we are serious and committed to this fight.
Now that being said I would like to apologize to the members of the 4am and 7am shifts for not explaining what was going on. But only members from the off shifts could participate in Tuesday mornings campaign and the least amount of people knowing about it, the less chance the university would hear about it.
So again I apologize.

God Bless CUPE 926



CUPE 926 campaigns to raise awareness around Contract Cleaners

campaignOn a wet and humid September morning, WLU held a press conference to name the new School of Business and Economics. What they didn’t expect to see was twelve members of CUPE Local 926 campaigning against the University’s decision to contract out the cleaning services of the newly named Lazaridis Hall.

Big thank you to all the members who came out, as well as the many texts, phone calls and waves from the members who couldn’t be with us. We received encouraging words from members of both WLUFA and WLUSA.

For more on this story, check out The Cord’s article on today’s campaign:


2015 Holiday Party

Save the Date!

The 2nd Annual Union Holiday Party will be held on December 12th.  Keep checking back to the website for more information! If you’d like to assist with this party please contact Jackie at the email address provided under the “Contact Us” page.

GIE Cleaning Contract

As most of you are aware by now, the new GIE building (formerly St. Mikes) will be cleaned by an outside cleaning contractor.  The executive are in the process of setting up a general  membership meeting in order to discuss this issue. As soon as a date has been set, the members will be informed.

****Union meetings will take place August 19th from 12pm -12:50pm and 9:30pm -10:20pm. Please contact your Leadhand for location.

A union is only as strong, effective and powerful as the members who participate in its operation and activities. Your voice and your presence are extremely important in all processes.

Negotiations Update



Due to scheduling conflicts, contract negotiations are to take place October 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 26th, 27th, 28th.  Please remember that until a new contract is ratified, we continue to follow our old collective agreement.

Welcome CUPE 926

Welcome to our website! On this website you will see updates regarding meetings, negotiations and other general CUPE information. Please check back here regularly for up-to-date information.  Is there information that you would like to see on this website? If so, please email me at the email address provided under the contact us link.  I look forward to hearing your feedback.

In Solidarity,

Lynette Brubacher