CUPE Holiday Party

Our 2nd annual Holiday Party will take place on December 12th from 5:30pm – 12am in the Turret.  Non-CUPE guests will be $30 and payment is required to be submitted to Jackie by December 4th.

Come out and have a great time. There will be a turkey dinner, door prizes, socializing and dancing. Please remember, be safe. If you choose to drink, take a cab or have a designated driver. 🙂

CUPE Phone Tree

Hello CUPE 926 Members

We are looking to have volunteers to be part of the CUPE phone tree.  These individuals will be working together to call members in case we need to get in touch with all members quickly.  If you would like to be part of this group of volunteers, please contact Roger at

We will be setting up a meeting in the near future. Keep checking the website for information.

November 6th Rally

On Friday November 6, CUPE 926 will be having a rally in conjunction with CUPE’s Custodial Campaign which revolves around contracting out workers. This is a province-wide campaign to raise awareness of the importance of having in-house custodial services. More and more Universities are facing this issue, it is not just WLU that has seen contract workers take our jobs. Please join us on Friday between the hours of 11:30am-1pm in the FNCC Quad or in front of Bricker Academic. You can come out and spread the word on your UNPAID lunch breaks, as well as if you are off shift. Please respect your break times, especially on this day. Let the executive know if you are able to help support this cause.
“Make sure everyone in your ‘boat’ is rowing and not drilling holes when you’re not looking.”
In Solidarity,


A message from CUPE’S National President

Sisters and Brothers:

After much thought and reflection I am writing to advise that I have decided to retire and will not let my name stand for re-election at our upcoming National Convention.

My 40 years of membership in our union, 32 of which have included full-time union work, including the past 12 years as National President, have been both an honour and a privilege.  Serving CUPE members full-time has been a tremendous opportunity that very few get to experience.

Throughout my career I have done my utmost to portray our Union in a principled and professional fashion.  The work of CUPE members delivering quality public services, makes for a more equal Canada, and I have always believed our members deserve strong and effective leadership from their union.

I am proud of our growth, over 100,000 new members over the past 12 years.  I am proud of our policies and our alignment with progressive groups such as the Canada Health Coalition and the Council of Canadians.  I am proud that our Strike Fund sits at over $80 million, our collective commitment within and amongst all 634,000 CUPE members.  I am proud of the hundreds of rank and file activists and staff I have worked with over the years.

Lastly, I am proud of CUPE’s standing within both our national and global trade union movements, and the political party our movement founded, the New Democratic Party of Canada.

Leading our union has been an honour and a privilege, but it is time for me to step aside.  I have every confidence in the talent within our leadership and that the election of our 6th National President will be a seamless and positive chapter in CUPE’s rich history.

My term as National President will end on November 6th.  Thank you for your unwavering support over the years.  Please know I will continue to support our union and our shared goal of social justice for all workers.

In solidarity,

Paul Moist,

National President


Local Training Opportunities

Two very important workshops are being held at the Kitchener Area Office in the very near future.  There is still room for your Local to attend! 
Workshop Name:  Financial Officers
Workshop Start Date:  November 19 & 20, 2015
Workshop Location (address):  Kitchener Area Office, 1120 Victoria Street North, Suite 204, Hwy 7, Kitchener
Workshop Hours:  9 am – 4 pm both days
Workshop Name:  Parliamentary Procedure
Workshop Start Date:  December 3 & 4, 2015
Workshop Location (address):  Kitchener Area Office, 1120 Victoria Street N., Suite 204, Hwy 7, Kitchener
Workshop Hours:  Thursday 9 am – 4 pm & Friday 9 am – 12 pm
 Contact your executive if you’re interested in attending either of these sessions.


Update from Roger

Good day Cupe 926
This past week a member of good standing in our local, brought to my attention that in my explanation of the events on September 8, I did not include all of the trade, grounds and custodial shift times in my apology.
I would like to deeply apologize to the people on these shifts and that in no way was it done intentionally.
I’m very grateful that this member came forward to enlighten me on how the members on these shifts could have perceived my apology.
Now more than ever we need to stand together as one membership.

Again my sincere apologies